
The defaults should work out of the box, if you want to make changes, edit the ~/.xsms.cfg file.

# Xonotic
xonotic_root = /opt/Xonotic
xonotic_userdir = ~/.xonotic
xonotic_server_pk3dir = ~/.xonotic/servers.pk3dir
xonotic_servers = ~/.xsms/servers.yml
xonotic_server_template = ~/.xsms/templates/xonotic/xonotic.server.cfg.tpl
xonotic_smbmod_server_template = ~/.xsms/templates/xonotic/xonotic.smbmod-server.cfg.tpl

# Engines
supervisor_server_template = ~/.xsms/templates/engines/supervisor.server.conf.tpl
supervisor_conf_template = ~/.xsms/templates/engines/supervisor.conf.tpl
supervisor_conf = ~/.xsms/generated/engines/supervisor.conf

smb_init_script = bin/
smb_update_script = ~/.xonotic-smb/modpack/
smb_build_script = ~/.xonotic-smb/modpack/
smb_cache_path = ~/.xonotic-smb/modpack/.cache
smb_data_csprogs = ~/.xonotic-smb/data_csprogs

Defining Servers

XSMS provides a YAML specification for defining the basic meta information for servers.

You can think of this as xonotic-compose.


# This file is read from ~/.xsms/servers.yml make sure that's where you are editing it
version: '1'
    title: "(SMB) Instagib+Hook USA"
    motd: "Welcome to ${hostname} | Owner: AllieWay | Admins: Mario, muffin, -z- | Hello from xsms"
    port: 26010
    maxplayers: 64
    net_address: ""
    use_smbmod: true
    exec: ./all run dedicated -game modpack -game data_csprogs -game data_insta -sessionid insta +serverconfig insta.cfg
    title: "(SMB) Overkill USA"
    motd: |
      This is my long message of the day.
      On multiple lines
    port: 26004
    maxplayers: 32
    net_address: ""
    use_smbmod: true
    exec: ./all run dedicated -game modpack -game data_csprogs -game data_overkill -sessionid overkill +serverconfig configs/info-overkill.cfg

This YAML file will generate a xonotic-compatible .cfg in ~/.xsms/generated/servers/.

Custom Server Configuration

The configuration files for xsms exist in ~/.xsms, below is a tree showing demonstrating the structure:

├── generated
│   ├── engines
│   │   └── supervisor.conf
│   ├── servers
│   │   ├── insta.cfg
│   │   ├── overkill.cfg
│   │   └── vanilla.cfg
├── servers.yml
└── templates
    ├── engines
    │   ├── supervisor.conf.tpl
    │   └── supervisor.server.conf.tpl
    ├── servers
    │   └── insta.cfg.tpl
    └── xonotic
        ├── xonotic.server.cfg.tpl
        └── xonotic.smbmod-server.cfg.tpl

The generated folder is build artifacts that can be deleted and regenerated. These are based on the files in templates.

Custom server templates are defined in ~/.xsms/templates/servers/<server_name>.cfg.tpl where <server_name> corresponds with the name of the server defined in the YAML. See the tests folder for an example of a custom.cfg.tpl.

Custom engine configs likewise belong in ~/.xsms/templates/servers/<engine_name>. Currently only supervisord has a custom template.