
With Docker

The easiest way to get started is with docker. The docker-compose.yml file contains containers for running either xonotic_git, xonotic_stable or both.:

docker-compose up              # this brings up the arch described in docker-compose.yml
# or
docker-compose up xonotic_git  # this brings up only the xonotic_git container
docker-compose down            # this takes it down

Using XMM to manage maps

The link between XMM and servers is defined in docker/containers/xonotic/xmm/servers.json.

In the example below, the server insta is used.:

docker-compose exec xonotic_git /bin/bash  # connect to the docker container
xmm update                                 # get the latest package list
xmm -s insta discover                      # finds any maps in this server's data dir
xmm -s insta install eggandscrambled.pk3   # install a new map
xmm -s insta list                          # list all maps tracked for this server

Without Docker

Without docker, XSMS can manage game servers a few different ways using xsms servers start to start up your servers defined in ~/.xsms/servers.yml. Supported (or planned) methods include: screen, tmux for interactive management and supervisor, circus for daemon management. If you want simple map management, XMM Can be installed separately.

For daemons, conf files need to be generated with xsms servers build.